Resource capacity of university research teams and scientific schools: problems of development strategy and management
Original Article|Corporate Management
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Garold E. Zborovsky (Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Full Professor)
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (19, Mira St., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation)
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (19, Mira St., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation)
Introduction. One of the urgent problems of modern higher education is the desire of universities to improve their resource base. It appears in the form of various manifestations of professional-pedagogical, scientific-research, publication, communication, temporal and other nature. One of the most important university resources are research teams (RT) and scientific schools (SSh). They became the subject of the authors’ analysis in the proposed article. It gives a description of the common and different featured between them, shows the resources that take place in each of the two given scientific structures. The main subject of both RT and SSh is stated to be the socio-professional community of scientific and pedagogical workers (SPW). The article describes the authors’ view on it.
Materials and methods. The empirical base of the article was, firstly, statistical materials characterizing higher education of the Ural Federal District and the SPW of its universities, and secondly, the materials of interviews conducted among more than 30 representatives of this professional community on the problems of the resource capacity of the university RT and SSh and their management strategies.
Results. The main results obtained in the course of the research: 1. Key characteristics of SPW resources actively involved in RT and SSh. Among them: traditions of scientific schools; authority of the head (leader); opportunity to win joint grants; continuity of generations. 2. Identification of the RT and SSh resources specifics to detect common and different in the activities of the SPWs involved in their structure. 3. Understanding the role of research and publication resources as a factor of the RT and SSh activity intensification. 4. Characteristics of the interpretations of RT and SSh in the conditions of formalization of the resource capacity of each of the scientific structures.
Discussion. Discussion of the RT and SSh development strategy and resource management: 1. An exorbitantly high level of exploitation of the SPW research resource by management structures in the RT and SSh structures. 2. Imitation of scientific publicity and SPW activity within the framework of the RT and SSh. 3. Absolutization of physical indicators of SPW professional development in the RT and SSh structures. 4. Identification of problematic RT and SPW resources in the new conditions of university management.
Materials and methods. The empirical base of the article was, firstly, statistical materials characterizing higher education of the Ural Federal District and the SPW of its universities, and secondly, the materials of interviews conducted among more than 30 representatives of this professional community on the problems of the resource capacity of the university RT and SSh and their management strategies.
Results. The main results obtained in the course of the research: 1. Key characteristics of SPW resources actively involved in RT and SSh. Among them: traditions of scientific schools; authority of the head (leader); opportunity to win joint grants; continuity of generations. 2. Identification of the RT and SSh resources specifics to detect common and different in the activities of the SPWs involved in their structure. 3. Understanding the role of research and publication resources as a factor of the RT and SSh activity intensification. 4. Characteristics of the interpretations of RT and SSh in the conditions of formalization of the resource capacity of each of the scientific structures.
Discussion. Discussion of the RT and SSh development strategy and resource management: 1. An exorbitantly high level of exploitation of the SPW research resource by management structures in the RT and SSh structures. 2. Imitation of scientific publicity and SPW activity within the framework of the RT and SSh. 3. Absolutization of physical indicators of SPW professional development in the RT and SSh structures. 4. Identification of problematic RT and SPW resources in the new conditions of university management.
Keywords: scientific and pedagogical workers, scientific schools, research teams, resource capacity
The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation № 23-28-00028, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-00028/
УДК: 316.74:378
ВАК: 05.04.07
Article received: March 10, 2023
Article accepted: March 14, 2023
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© Article. Garold E. Zborovsky, Elena V. Kemmet, 2023.