Experience of the Family and Demography Center of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences in scientific and methodological support of the demographic policy of the Republic of Tatarstan
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Chulpan Ildarkhanova (Dr. Sci. (Sociology))
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center (Kazan, Array, Russian Federation)
Guzel Ershova (Cand. Sci. (History))
Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center (Kazan, Array, Russian Federation)
Vladimir Arkhangelsky (Cand. Sci. (Economics))
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Introduction. A family-centric lifestyle, a stable paradigm of a strong family and marriage are traditional spiritual and moral values for Russians. Improving the state family policy of Russia and its regions, promoting the development of the family institution, is a mechanism for ensuring demographic security and is being
updated by holding the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation in 2024. In the current demographic situation, one should turn to the experience of the regions in scientific and methodological support of the National Project “Demography”. One of the model subjects with successful experience in expert support of the demographic development of the region can be the Republic of Tatarstan, in which the Family and
Demography Center of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences has been operating since 2007.

Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out using methods of statistical analysis of time series of demographic indicators and demographic conjuncture in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2006-2022. according to the methodology of the Institute of Demog raphic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IDI of the Russian Academy of Sciences), a cross-sectional analysis of sociological research data implemented by the Family and Demography Center of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences was carried out.

Results. The interaction of the Family and Demography Center of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences with the relevant state structures of the Republic of Tatarstan implementing state programs of family and demographic policy in 2007-2022 is analyzed. Based on the information and analytical materials of the Family and Demography Center of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences in the Republic of Tatarstan, unprecedented measures of state family policy were developed within the framework of the national project “Demography”. In the Republic of Tatarstan for 2006-2022, the total fertility rates are higher than in the whole of the Russian
Federation. The overall mortality rate is significantly lower than in the country. This indicates the relatively favorable conditions of the demographic and economic infrastructure for the imple-mentation of higher reproductive plans than in the Russian Federation as a whole. The family-centrist practices of the population
in the region are confirmed by the results of sociological research.

Discussion. Further expansion of interdepartmental cooperation is actualized by maintaining existing and creating new infrastructural, institutional, economic and socio-cultural conditions to achieve demographic targets, as well as in the future national projects “Family” and “Long and active life”. In order to provide scientific and methodological support for the National Project “Demography”, state programs
aimed at increasing the birth rate, expertise of legislative initiatives and, taking into account the high demand for demographic policy research, it seems promising to create regional family and demography centers in the subjects of the Russian Federation in the form of research institutes.
Keywords: demographic policy, family-centric behavior, national project “Demography”, demographic conjuncture, Family and Demography Center of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, demographic well-being
УДК: 314.15(470.41)
ВАК: 05.04.04
Article received: March 03, 2024
Article accepted: July 06, 2024
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© Article. Chulpan Ildarkhanova, Guzel Ershova, Vladimir Arkhangelsky, 2024.
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