Closed atomic city as a “project city”: sociologist’s view
Original Article|Power and Public Administration
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Sergey M. Karachkov (Cand. Sci. (Sociology))
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (66, 8 Marta St., Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation)
Introduction. The article considers the project city as a separate type of sociological classification based on the analysis of the creation and development of closed administrative-territorial entities.

Materials and methods. Based on the project approach, the concept of “project cities” was formed as a special type in the sociological classification. The selected criteria for project cities and their further operationalization made it possible to conduct an empirical study using the methods of quantitative and qualitative sociological analysis. The data of 2012 and 2022 questionnaire surveys are presented, within the framework of which quantitative indicators of the formation and manifestations of the value core of corporatism in the assessments of ZATO residents were analyzed. Residents of the city of Novouralsk directly related to the implementation of the Atomic Project (that is, those working at the head enterprise of UEIP, in public bodies and local self-government) were interviewed. A target quota sample was used, the size of the sample, based on the city size, amounted to 1880 people. (935 people in 2012 and 945 people in 2022) of respondents.

To analyze ZATO management problems in the transition period qualitative research methods were used: interviews conducted in 2012 (N = 30) and in 2022 (N = 30). Representatives of the key group actors of interaction of ZATO Novouralsk were selected as experts: employees of UEIP, municipal employees, members of public organizations, trade union workers, representatives of urban workers and engineering dynasties, hereditary residents of the closed city.

Results. Consideration of the experience of creating and developing ZATOs allows us to talk about the need to supplement the existing classification of cities with a separate type – a “project city”. Here, in particular, as the empirical study has shown, both a special urban lifestyle and special urban values, culture, practices of identification, communication, representation, formation and reproduction of special urban social practices are revealed. For example, as a result of surveys and interviews, it was possible to record and describe the features of the value core of corporatism underlying the social management of ZATOs. The core of values lies in the readiness to fulfill an important state task, the desire to consolidate efforts, the formation of values that unite self-realization and increase the social status of ZATO residents as accomplices in the nuclear project, and the goal of this project is to ensure the national security of the country.

Discussion. Identification of the value core of corporatism as a conceptual basis for the implementation of project city management is of particular importance, taking into account the need for the integrated development of new territories of the Russian Federation, focused on the implementation of important state tasks in the field of re-industrialization, technological breakthrough, national security, the formation of a national idea, etc. For tasks of this kind, city-sites for the implementation of projects are needed – “project cities”.
Keywords: Novouralsk, ZATO (Closed Administrative Territoral Entity), design, project city, sociology of the city, typology of cities, value core of corporatism, corporatism
УДК: 316.334.5
ВАК: 05.04.07
ГРНТИ: 04.21.61
Article received: May 18, 2023
Article accepted: October 09, 2023
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© Article. Sergey M. Karachkov, 2023.