Methodological features of applying the CAF model to assess the quality of management of non-profit organizations (by the example of a professional basketball club)
Original Article|Corporate Management
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Zhanna A. Mingaleva (Dr. Sci. (Economics), Full Professor)
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolskiy Av., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation)
Aleksandr V. Bashminov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolskiy Av., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation)
The theoretical and methodological gap that still exists in assessing the quality of management of non-profit organizations is becoming more and more significant in the context of increasing requirements for improving the efficiency of management in this sector of the economy. The article is devoted to the study of the possibility and feasibility of applying the CAF model to evaluating the effectiveness of management of non-profit organizations by the example of basketball clubs.

The methodology of the research is based on foreign and domestic research in the field of administrative reforms in European countries, including publications in the journals such as Public Administration Review, Public Administration, Quality Management, as well as the model for improving public sector organizations through self-assessment – the CAF Model. The research methodology included the use of universal methods of bibliographic and system analysis: comparisons, compositions, and decompositions, as well as the method of deduction and the method of logical analogy.

The solution of a scientific problem of substantiation of possibility and expediency of application of the CAF model in management practice of the basketball club included an analysis of the methodology for evaluating model-based CAF, the analysis of applicability to the activities of the basketball club of the indicators and evaluation criteria of model CAF and their possible revision based on features of the management of clubs, analysis of the characteristics of the methods of collecting primary information for the evaluation and preparation of recommendations for improving the activities of the basketball club. Verification of the model and adapted methodology was carried out based on the assessment of the quality of management of the basketball club.

During the research, special attention was paid to the selection of evaluation indicators related to the characteristics of network interaction of the assessed organization and related entities. The methodological features of applying the CAF model to non-profit organizations were also established.

The main conclusion of the study is that it has been proved that the CAF model can be applied to evaluating the effectiveness of management of basketball clubs, as well as other non-profit organizations, both in the field of sports and other fields of activity.
Keywords: non-profit organizations, CAF model, self-assessment system, evaluation criteria, system of relationships, methods of data collection, quality of management
ГРНТИ: 82.05.09
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© Article. Zhanna A. Mingaleva, Aleksandr V. Bashminov, 2020.