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L. V. Tugacheva (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Public Administration of the Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
A. V. Pavlova (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Public Administration of the Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
A. I. Repichev (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Public Administration of the Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Purpose. To analyzing the systems of labor remuneration currently used in the crop production sector; to identify elements in them, the transformation of which must be carried out in order to increase la-bor efficiency on the basis of motivation, and to substantiate the ways to improve the wage system. Methods. The scientific research uses methods of qualitative analysis. Results and practical importance. The peculiarities of the development of crop production, which in-fluence the payment of labor of the workers of the given industry, are determined; the elements of the system of remuneration are analyzed and deficiencies are found that reduce the motivational effect of premiums. The practical significance of the results of the study is related to the possibility of their use by agricultural organizations in determining bonuses for the employees of the crop production sector by the end of the year. Scientific novelty. Recommendations for improving the system of remuneration in the crop produc-tion sector are proposed, which are based on the methodology of determining the bonus to employees of the given industry on the basis of the results of work for the year, taking into account the personal effectiveness of each employee, and aimed at increasing the interest of the personnel in improving the quality and raising the productivity of labor.
Keywords: система оплаты труда, отрасль растениеводства, результативность работника, премия по итогам работы за год, фонд премирования, remuneration system, crop production industry, employee performance, annual performance bonus, bonus fund
УДК: 338.43:331.2
OECD: 5.02
ГРНТИ: 06.71.07
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© Article. L. V. Tugacheva, A. V. Pavlova, A. I. Repichev, 2019.