Original Article|Economics and Management
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A. V. Ruchkin (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department Personnel Management of the Ural Institute of Management - Branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
N. K. Shemetova (Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department Economy and Management of the Ural Institute of Management - Branch)
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Purpose. To analyse the methodology for maturity assessment of the project activity organization in the executive authorities and to develop recommendations to improve its effectiveness. Methods. As the main authors used a systematic approach, used the methods of comparative analysis, comparison, analogy and generalization. Results. The main result of this theoretical and methodical research is the analysis of the methodology of the maturity assessment of the project activity organization in the executive authorities in Russia, including the level of regions. The authors propose concrete steps, justifying their need, to improve the efficiency of project management in the country, based on their main areas of assessment for their implementation and application. The need to increase the transparency of the methodology is determined by the need to develop project management at the municipal level. Scientific novelty. The authors analyzed the main models for maturity assessment of the project activity organization in the executive authorities, identified the advantages and disadvantages of using for public authorities and their activities in the field of project management, proposed the main directions of transformation of the methodology to increase its efficiency and further extrapolation to the municipal level.
Keywords: оценка зрелости, проектное управление, методика, органы государственной власти, транспарентность, maturity assessment, project management, methodology, public authorities, transparency
УДК: 65.012.123
OECD: 5.02
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© Article. A. V. Ruchkin, N. K. Shemetova, 2019.