Innovation potential of academic teaching staff: methodological approaches to research
Original Article|Social Management
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Olga V. Vlasova (Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor)
Surgut State Pedagogical University (10/2, VLKSM 50 years St., Surgut, 628400, Russian Federation)
Introduction. The problem relevance is conditioned by the need to develop the innovative potential of academic teaching staff (ATS), who act as the main driver of the modern higher education development in the context of “Priority 2030” strategic academic leadership program implementation. Having this in mind, the article reveals the concept of ATS innovation potential; the need for its creation and implementation; methodological approaches to researching it. The research purpose is to consider methodological approaches for studying the ATS innovative potential.

Materials and methods. The work uses the method of analyzing scientific literature on the issue of studying the innovation potential of university ATS.

Results. The main results obtained in the course of the research are: 1.The author’s understanding of the concept of ATS innovation potential is proposed against the background of the considered interpretations. 2. Four main methodological approaches to researching the ATS innovation potential – systemic, institutional, resource-based, and community-based – are formulated and revealed. The systematic approach is shown as being able to highlight the structural elements and functions of the innovation potential of scientific and professional development as an open and dynamic social system interacting with the higher education system. The institutional approach makes it possible to analyze the regulatory framework for the existence and implementation of the ATS innovation potential. The resource approach provides for analyzing the types of resources, which are a structural component of innovation potential. In addition, the community approach allows us to consider ATS as a social community implementing its innovation potential at different levels.

Discussion. The article discusses the use of methodological approaches to researching the innovative potential of the ATS social community; based on the approaches given, the need to develop a strategy to manage the process of the ATS innovation potential development is considered.
Keywords: innovation potential, potential, academic teaching staff, social community, higher education facility
УДК: 378:001.891
ВАК: 05.04.04
ГРНТИ: 04.41.31
Article received: December 25, 2023
Article accepted: April 07, 2024
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© Article. Olga V. Vlasova, 2024.