Intellectual capital of schoolchildren in the mirror of international comparisons
Original Article|Social Management
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Igor N. Molchanov (Dr. Sci. (Economics), Full Professor)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (1, Lenin Hills, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (49, Leningradsky Av., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation)
Purpose: to identify the essential characteristics of human intellectual capital in the context of the emerging concept of the humanistic economy; identifying the features of its formation by comparing the educational achievements of schoolchildren studying in organizations of secondary general education (on the example of Russia and a number of developed foreign countries); the revealing of factors influencing the organization of the educational process and the quality of training of students.

Methodology and methods: based on the use of systemic and civilizational approaches, comparative and content analysis, methods of induction and deduction, logical comparison and expert assessments, an analysis of the educational achievements of students was carried out. The information basis was the results of periodically conducted international statistical surveys of the educational achievements of schoolchildren in the 4th and 8th grades. A comparative assessment of the literacy of 15-year-old students with details on reading, mathematical and natural science literacy was carried out. To find out the reasons for the differences between countries, the results obtained were compared with data on the volume of funding for education systems in different countries.

Results: in the countries selected for the study, a comparison was made of the educational achievements of students and the financial support of the education system at the levels of ISCED-2011. schoolchildren. The reasons hindering the formation of cognitive and socio-behavioral skills of schoolchildren, which are the result of insufficiently active development of skills for joint problem solving, have been identified. The identification of certain aspects that affect the formation and practical implementation of intellectual capital helped to identify the features of its accumulation, which are manifested in the objective aspirations of schoolchildren to acquire knowledge in various disciplines of the educational cycle. The value of the results of periodically conducted international surveys to measure the knowledge of students and the feasibility of their application in the study of the reproduction of intellectual capital has been confirmed. Based on the assessment of the effectiveness of the application of international test scores, the areas of application of the results obtained in order to improve the management of the education system are established.

Recommendations: Based on the analysis of the educational achievements of schoolchildren, the need to change approaches to the management of education as a special branch of the national economy that makes the main contribution to the formation and development of intellectual human capital is substantiated. Conclusions on the timeliness of updating state policy priorities and the wider application of methods and tools of macroeconomic and regional planning, the development of creative initiative at the municipal level of government, with a focus on improving the educational process in organizations of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education (level 0 – ISCED 4 2011) are formulated. Recommendations for improving the organization of the educational process and improving the quality of training of students are presented.
Keywords: education and economic development, human intellectual capital, expediency of international comparisons, formation of a creative class, humanistic component of the economy
ВАК: 05.02.03
ГРНТИ: 06.71.45
Article received: May 12, 2022
Article accepted: October 28, 2022
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© Article. Igor N. Molchanov, 2022.