Positioning the mission in managing the activities of non-profit organizations in the service sector of the Russian Federation
Original Article|Economics and Management
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Varvara Yu. Kulkova (Dr. Sci. (Economics), Full Professor)
Kazan State Power Engineering University (51, Krasnoselskaya St., Kazan, 420066, Russian Federation)
Articulation of the issue. To date, the development of the social services market in the Russian Federation is aimed at attracting NPOs whose mission is related to the implementation of social benefits on an altruistic basis and the provision of services on a free basis for consumers. At the same time, the infrastructure for supporting NPOs includes development institutions that promote the commercialization of NPOs’ activities, which erodes the true mission of NPOs. Overall, the current stage of infrastructural support to NPOs of the Russian Federation aimed at the development of project management and the issues of initiation, development and implementation of strategic management starting with the definition of the mission of NPOs do not receive independent productions. Diagnostics of the presence of missions of key actors of the NPO support infrastructure – resource centers, requires additional research.
Scientific mission. Diagnostics of infrastructure support for development institutions of NPOs in the direction of implementing strategic management in the activities of non-profit organizations in the service sector.
Methodological base of the research. Empirical testing of the effectiveness of the efficiency of D.Rich’s concept “Anti-commercialization of NPOs” in the RF, in which the activities of NPOs are reduced to the implementation of the mission, rather than making a profit. The mission of the NPO organization serves as a target: planning, fundraising, building relationships with stakeholders, and driving innovation. Commercialization of NPOs – generating income as a result of activities other than the chosen mission, is interpreted as the “mission drift” syndrome.
Materials employed. Description of the practices of institutions for the development of infrastructure to support NPOs in the PFD, highlighting the mission, principles of the network structure, specifying the network members – institutions of infrastructure to support NPOs in the RF subject in the PFD. Comparative analysis of the mission of resource centers of NPOs in the RF subjects of the PFD on the basis of: the presence of a mission, assessment of mission components.
Key findings. The factors that limit the development of strategic management of NPOs in infrastructure support in the Russian Federation identified with the initial stage of development are: the absence of a number of institutions for the development of NPOs – resource centers of sites, a formulated mission, specifying the geography of the organization’s activities in the mission; the diagnosis of the “mission drift” syndrome associated with the promotion of commercialization of NPOs’ activities. The obtained research results are of practical significance in the development of directions of infrastructure support for NPOs in the Russian Federation, in leveling the designated factors that limit the strategic management of NPOs.
Scientific mission. Diagnostics of infrastructure support for development institutions of NPOs in the direction of implementing strategic management in the activities of non-profit organizations in the service sector.
Methodological base of the research. Empirical testing of the effectiveness of the efficiency of D.Rich’s concept “Anti-commercialization of NPOs” in the RF, in which the activities of NPOs are reduced to the implementation of the mission, rather than making a profit. The mission of the NPO organization serves as a target: planning, fundraising, building relationships with stakeholders, and driving innovation. Commercialization of NPOs – generating income as a result of activities other than the chosen mission, is interpreted as the “mission drift” syndrome.
Materials employed. Description of the practices of institutions for the development of infrastructure to support NPOs in the PFD, highlighting the mission, principles of the network structure, specifying the network members – institutions of infrastructure to support NPOs in the RF subject in the PFD. Comparative analysis of the mission of resource centers of NPOs in the RF subjects of the PFD on the basis of: the presence of a mission, assessment of mission components.
Key findings. The factors that limit the development of strategic management of NPOs in infrastructure support in the Russian Federation identified with the initial stage of development are: the absence of a number of institutions for the development of NPOs – resource centers of sites, a formulated mission, specifying the geography of the organization’s activities in the mission; the diagnosis of the “mission drift” syndrome associated with the promotion of commercialization of NPOs’ activities. The obtained research results are of practical significance in the development of directions of infrastructure support for NPOs in the Russian Federation, in leveling the designated factors that limit the strategic management of NPOs.
Keywords: socially oriented non-profit organizations, NPO support infrastructure, strategic management of NPOs, mission of non-profit organizations
ГРНТИ: 06.39.41, 06.56.51
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© Article. Varvara Yu. Kulkova, 2020.