Original Article|Economics and Management
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S. G. Eremeev (Dr. Sci. (Economics), Professor, Rector)
Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin
Purpose. To carry out a critical analysis and gain understanding of the specific properties of the service as a form of the produced goods in order to conceptualize public electronic services. Methods. Interpretative approach; interdisciplinary approach; method of analysis and synthesis. Scientific novelty. The author conducted a critical analysis and gave a new interpretation of the specific properties of the service as a form of produced goods. Results. A new interpretation and interpretation of the specific properties of the service as a form of the good produced was proposed, which is important in the context of the conceptualization of public electronic services; a strategy for the follow-up research of public electronic services, which is defined as a strategy of inter-variative variation was introduced.
Keywords: услуга, товар, публичная электронная услуга, электронное правительство, концептуализация, service, product, public e-service, e-Government, conceptualization
УДК: 330.12
OECD: 5.02
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© Article. S. G. Eremeev, 2019.